I wrote this poem around this time last year and performed it for the first time in October. The piece is memorized, but since it had been a while since I had performed it, I decided to read it instead of stuttering through it lol.
This piece is about 2 of my closest friends who I look at like sisters, who have both been through abusive relationships. I cried a lot through the process of writing this piece. On January 26th at Venue on 35th St. in Norfolk, VA, one of the friends that I wrote this piece for asked me to perform this. My heart sank, and I instantly became nervous, I kept asking my friend if she was sure she wanted me to do this, and she said yes. In my poetic career, all I can ask is that a piece is received well, and this piece, spoke to a lot of people in the audience. This is the first time, I have written a piece that has moved people to tears. So without further ado, this piece is called 2 Scarred Friends, and it’s for my girls, L & N. (Shout outs to Maddie Garcia for capturing this video, it is very much appreciated!)